ІV. De Graecōrum et Romanōrum deisGraeci et Romāni antīqui non unum de перевод - ІV. De Graecōrum et Romanōrum deisGraeci et Romāni antīqui non unum de английский как сказать

ІV. De Graecōrum et Romanōrum deisG

ІV. De Graecōrum et Romanōrum deis

Graeci et Romāni antīqui non unum deum, ut Christiāni, sed multos deos deasque colunt. Primus in numĕro deōrum et maxĭmus Iuppĭter, filius Saturni et Rheae, est. Locus, ubi Iuppĭter sedet et mundi imperium tenet, est Olympus altus, stellis vicīnus. Inde deus deōrum, domĭnus caeli et mundi tonat et fulmĭnat: equi rapĭdi dei per totum mundum volant. Si clipeo quatit, ventos et procellas in terram mittit. Idem gratiā suā natūram tranquillat.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
ІV. The gods of the Greeks and the Romans, the Greeks and the ancient Romans, not the one of the gods, as a Christian, but the many gods and goddesses they worship. Jupiter in the first number of the Gods and a great man, the son of Saturn and Rhea, it is. The place where the Jupiter holds the empire of the world, he sat, and, there is a high Olympus, and the stars of your neighbors. From this it is the god of gods, the Lord, and the thunders of heaven and of the world, the lightnings flash, the whole world of God because of the rapid fly of the horse. If you shield my limbs, and sends the winds, and the storms of into the land of. The nature calms his grace.

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