Lupus in Fabula Sunt duo praeclari poetae fabularum: unus poeta Graeco перевод - Lupus in Fabula Sunt duo praeclari poetae fabularum: unus poeta Graeco литовский как сказать

Lupus in Fabula Sunt duo praeclari

Lupus in Fabula

Sunt duo praeclari poetae fabularum: unus poeta Graecorum, Aesopus, alter Phaedrus, poeta Romanorum. Ei multas fabulas de lupo scripserunt. Fabulae eorum lupum ut bestiam saevam et feram pingunt.
Lupus aliquando ad rivum agnum vidit. Rivi aqua a lupo ad agnum fluebat, sed lupus avidus agno clamavit: “Cur mihi aquam turbas?” Et agnum miserum devoravir. Sic Phaedrus narrat.
Aesopus fabulam de lupo et equo narrat. Lupus olim equum in arvum invitavit et avenam ei promisit. Lupo in animo erat equum lecarare. Sed dolus eius patuit. Itaque equus salvus erat.
Et pueri et viri timebant lupum eumque norinare cavebant. Lupus, ut fama erat, adveniebat, si eum memorabant. Unde proverbium: “Lupus in fabula”. Nam si amicus subito advenit, cum de eo colloquium est, collegae digitis eum monstrant et “lupus in fabula” clamant.
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Red in the plot,

are two things are great fables of the poets, one of the Greek poet Aesop, Phaedra and, on the other hand, the Roman poet. Her stories about the wolf has a lot to say. Story wolf to the wild beast paint.
Wolf was the river he saw a lamb. Water currents flowing from the cleft of the Lamb, and the Lamb greedy wolf cried out, "Why me water to people?" And one unfortunate devoravir. So Plato says.
Aesop 's fable about the wolf and the horse says. Wolf was invited to the horse field and oats promised it. Lupo was horse lecarare mind. But his deception was obvious. So the horse was saved.
Boys and men are afraid of the wolf, and he took care of norinare. wolf, it was reported arrived, if they find him they referred to. So the proverb: "the tale of the wolf." in fact, if a friend is staying, because his is a dialogue, and point his finger, and his colleague, then "fable the wolf "cries.
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