Gallia a variis populis incolitur. Populi Galliae lingua inter se diff перевод - Gallia a variis populis incolitur. Populi Galliae lingua inter se diff английский как сказать

Gallia a variis populis incolitur.

Gallia a variis populis incolitur. Populi Galliae lingua inter se differunt. Galli ab Aquitānis Garumna fluvio, a Belgis Matrona et Sequana dividuntur. Helvetii reliquos Gallos virtūte praecēdunt, quod fere cotidiānis proeliis cum Germānis contendunt. Undique loci natūra Helvetti continentur et non facile finitimis bellum inferunt. Itaque terram suam relinquere et alias Galliae terras petere statuunt. Aedui autem, populi Romāni socii, a Helvetiis valde vexantur. Itaque auxilium a Romānis rogant. Diu cum populis Gilliae bellum geritur et tota Gallia a Romānis superātur. De bello Gallico in C. Iulii Caesaris Commentariis legimus.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
France, a country inhabited by different peoples. Of Gaul, of the People of the language differ from each other. Garonne separates the Gauls from the river, the Marne and the Seine by the Belgae to each other. The Helvetii, rest of the Gauls in valor, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles. Is not easy to make a war upon their neighbors, are held together and side by the nature Helvetti. They decide to leave their own land: and the other, therefore, to ask for lands of Gaul. The Aedui, however, the allies of Rome, from the Helvetii, and very vexed. So ask for help from Romania. From the whole of France for a long time the Romans were defeated, and the war was going on with the people of Gilliam. We read in C. Julius Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War.
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